To Decal or not to Decal

April 07, 2014

currently working on the RG Zeta, and i think its looking pretty great.. paint wise. the only thing now between a nice top coat and a panel wash is its decals. as much as decals make your kits look extra awesome, its a pain to put them on. and Real Grade's got a hell lot of them. hahaha sorry about my rambling i just find the process of putting on water slide decals very tedious and annoying.

at the moment, i've been at decal work for the past 4 days, hoping to finish soon. though i highly doubt it.. at least i got the body work finished. still got a lot to do on the weapons etc.

as much as i hate applying decals i got to say, it does a great job making this zeta look awesome.

till next time!

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